"God showed me something small, no bigger than a hazelnut, lying in the palm of my hand… and it was round as a ball. I looked at it with the eye of my understanding and thought: 'What can this be?' And it was generally answered thus: 'It is all that was made.' It was so small I thought it might disappear, but I was answered... everything has being through the love of God." --Julian of Norwich

Friday, August 19, 2011

Five-Sense Friday

"The Little One, part 2: Birth" coming soon.  It's been a busy couple of weeks and I'm still catching my breath.  Until then I wanted to take a minute to be present in the little things that make up this morning.

Today, I'm...

seeing: Low lights.  Pulled blinds.  Tiny closed eyes.  And, hopefully, a few more dreams to be had this morning.

hearing: Quiet.  The ticking of the clock over my desk.  The whirring of my computer’s secret innards.  Sleep laughs and grunts from the little person in the other room.

smelling:  A pungent diaper change.  My milk-face baby.  The last of last year’s cinnamon-y apple butter.

tasting: Said apple butter in my raw rolled oats with milk.  A fresh blueberry bagel.  I'm with the hobbits: one can never have too many breakfasts.

feeling: 12 pounds 3 ounces.  The coolness of our basement.  The gentle tug of a baby nursing.  Still so constantly hungry and tired.  But a little more caught up than I was yesterday.

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